Media Ministry

“How much time does it take you to be obedient?”  This was the question to me as I struggled with continuing on my journey to minister without the recording equipment which I had left in  my room.  So, I stopped, thought about that question, and looked at my clock to see how much time it would take.  The time to get up the stairs, to the room, to pick up the recorder and a tape, and the connecting wire, back to the place where the question was asked was just over one minute!  Oh, Lord, I thought, only 1 minute, and yet to me it was as if it would take quite more and I would be so delayed, I would be late.

So, from that day to the present, in the Media Ministry we utilize all available materials – sometimes even originals (some never returned), but we release these items to God’s knowing and for His Grace and Glory to prevail in each and every one who hears the messages. From time to time I will share about various individuals to whom such materials have gone, and always, God has blessed with results of His great faithfulness to His Glory and to the Good of those recipients.



musicLove Prevails
musicNatural To Me
*If the files above do not play, download QuickTime. (free)


This was when I had been instructed to “make a copy and give it away” of the messages being delivered to the McKeesport Area, but much more than this, God was allowing me to know that even as I had taken messages to transcribe, even as I had recorded many ministers as they spoke to share with others, so would the Lord use what He had graciously given to me to bless others, also!


ONLY GOD – a booklet with special emphasis on the paths we travel in dire circumstances, especially that of death.

SAS – Step Along Side –Videos, CDs and DVDs ministering to Ladies with their husbands and children, and whosoever with needs to know we are called by His Name.


– Chapters 1-5 – utilized for my own Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren and those who have been “attached” as mine, helping them to know God and make wise choices in life. Parental permission and help are vital to the use of these lessons. Pic of Q. Lyle of Q&Q Films, recording.



CHRISTIAN LIVING – GOLD DIGGERS SERIES – Printed, Cassettes, Videos, CDs and DVDs availability of seven areas addressed in easy to understand manner for the basics of our salvation experience and Christian growth.