What we hear, if it is not by a retrieving system, we lose or recall it in a different vernacular or interpretation of what we hear, after what we process as facts by our mind set, our memory or recall abilities. However, what we see, we make note and get a picture that we can readily go back and retrieve information to get a clearer picture of what is being presented.

This is the purpose of printed material. The items presented have been used extensively in the lives of those who were seeking after the Lord; seeking after a consistent victorious walk in His Grace; the knowledge of His Glory and Presence in difficult places; and, to better serve our Lord in avenues to which the call had come to be a witness.

So, as with the audio part of presented items so are the printed portions. From the lessons taught, ministered, or developed for specific needs to the cumulative work of Behaviors, nuggets of Gold from God’s Holy Word are presented in an easy to understand manner so His Truth may impact wherever we are, wherever we are going or have been to achieve and always come to know we never look or reach but that God’s Word revealed by His Spirit is adding to each one who will receive.

The Only God Booklet, those who have had the devastation of lost in their lives have found the words shared here a catalyst to knowing God’s Care and returning to the place of being affirmed in His Love and Grace. (Excerpts from “Never Alone !”: “I stood on the highway in a strange place, unknown entirely to me… I felt tears rise in my eyes and apprehension in my heart…waiting for a ride, just a ride to the hospital to see my dying brother and here I am alone!… Oh, God, I wondered, and then I heard it, a soft tune, a familiar chord, “Never Alone, I don’t have to worry, because I’m never alone.”) One recipient stated I would never know what this Booklet meant to her in the death of her loved one as she read over and over again the words of comfort found in the pages, and others shared similar words and some we never heard from but know that God in faithfulness ministered to these in their time of real needs.


The Gold Diggers Study in Salvation, adapted from the Basics of Salvation (developed for classroom instruction and taught to individuals at a popular drug rehabilitation program where I served as Dean of Women); from the Christian Living Salvation Lessons utilized in churches, seminars, group studies, with new converts, those in confined quarters, and individual study with cassette messages), this Gold Diggers Study adapted from these two areas of presentation, was offered to churches and taught to selected individuals to learn and teach others, as well. (Excerpts from, “ Stepping Into a Right Relationship with God”: “I Am Lost I am in this world and there is much about life, about me, but I really don’t know my way. I really don’t know how to get to God….I am not able to find what God has purposed and what God desires.”)

Proverbs for Teens and Youth – Chapters 1-5 are presented
In an interesting and thought provoking manner. Used with my Grand and Great Grand Children and others attached to our family, with parental or guardian permission and supervision. These lessons require adults to be willing to hear, share and guide participants to grasp the meaning and utilize the teachings in their present living environment. Ends with rewards for participation in answering a few questions and writing a short essay of what the lessons meant and what was found as worthwhile. Plans to use response with other teens and youth.



Printed lessons with such titles as: “You’re Naked, Who Told You?”, (Excerpt: “At first glance, one would take this topic to be dealing with sexual sin, but this is not the case. It is to explore the facts that we are shaped by seeds sown by others that brought a harvest of the same seeds to us and we also sowed the same seed to reap the same harvest…we would never know the horror of a continuous longing and unsatisfied craving if the first act of these addictions were never committed.”) This lesson and many others lessons and presentations have been utilized in yearly meetings to bring to Jesus Christ and to a closer walk with our Lord, and an assurance of individual worth according to God’s Holy Word through the ministering of these lessons and words of instructions by God’s servants. used in yearly meetings of families, individuals, men, women, teens, ministers, all participants and every presentation has been utilized to bring others to a closer walk with our Lord and an assurance of their worth according to God’s Holy Word through the ministering of these lessons and words of instructions by God’s servants. Some Lessons: Know Your Identify; Called by His Name; Led by His Spirit; Seeing with God Sight.

MY CHILD – Called of God to Serve – Personal words of being called into service.

In addition, Lessons presented according to needs about Behaviors for those who are interested in knowing “Why We Do The Things We Do, and finding these things are not new but God knowing we would be where we are states – where sin did abound, Grace did much more abound.