Family of Ministers

In the prayer room that overlooked the yard of our home, frequently the children played and many times the children of the neighborhood and other areas joined with them in playing.  At times there would only be the five daughters.

Many times during prayer, I sought the Lord concerning their lives – desiring these to Glorify Him as I was a “single” parent by force – absent husband and father.

There were times I heard about the “oil wells”, and I started looking for these.  Thinking that the yard  areas contained oil underneath and I needed to search to see if I could find the oil.  One day I was prompted to get up and look at the oil wells in my yard.  I got up, looked out the window and fully expected to see wells: what I saw – five daughters playing, laughing, running; and the Lord said – “Not as you suppose”.  It was then I knew the Lord spoke of them and not physical oil wells.

Years past, and the cries of my heart, and those who stood with me in prayers through these years, have brought forth fruit in their lives, by God’s Grace alone.  We saw and yet see God’s answers to our prayers for our family, including the absent member who now, too, prays.

What is shared will be from these and from others who have come forth from the progenitors of both parents.  All that is shared is to create within those exposed to affirm this ministry the knowledge that God can use what is His to His Glory, and “all souls are mine”, says the Lord.

Each month one of these five will be featured with their families and the ministry they perform, or as individuals and what they are contributing to the harvest fields.  This month, however, I am featuring my Dear Mother who went home to be with our Lord and left a wealth of love and grace to share with all who will and can be blessed by her life of devotion to our Lord and from her Journals filled with prayers for all.

Featured this month is Lillie Thompson, my Mother.  She was called of God as a youth, had to believe in the Word of her Mother that she would live in spite of a heart defect that was to shorten her life expectancy to a mere twelve years, if that, and that any extension of this life expectancy would definitely end in death if she ever bore a child.  God was more than gracious and not only saw her through many years, but gave her many children, as well.  When I started making cassettes and giving these away, family was not excluded.  After delivering a cassette library of tapes to my Mother, Lillie, and Dad, John,  Mother started making cassettes of her own.  After buying so many sets of three in a package tapes, I told her that when I ordered my next 100 tapes from Kingdom Company, I would order her 100, also.  This delighted her, and I got labels, also.  Then she asked for more, and I got more, with more labels.  She never told me what she was doing with the cassette recorders (two I supplied, the others were bought by her or Dad), but as I went through her things, I found these cassettes, labeled and filled, front and back, along with those  I had given them.








Mother had taken music, preaching, praying from what she heard and had put these on tapes!
Various ministers have been contacted to receive what she recorded for their own personal usage. Though her lips are silent, she yet speaks!  One cassette will be sent to you per request.  Please go to the shop now page and click on what you would desire to receive.






At Lillie L. Thompson’s Gravesite, May 4, 2012.